Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I was out riding Ghost when I was approached by outrides who told me I must return to camp immediatly. The scouting party had seen signs of Turians and all women were to remain in camp until further orders. It always amazed me that those people who lived behind wall, ever lost their fear long enough to come out, but she could wonder such things I turned must return home. For a while I helped pass out the jerky and flat bread to the warriors, scouts, herders and outriders, and then I helped build the fires needed to cook the meals. It wasn't hard to tell that the warriors are excited over the prospect of a good battle, and they milled around like bosk with no direction. They had pulled out their best weapons and many sat in a circle sharpening them. Like most women of the camp, the idea of battle always brings mixed blessings. On the one hand, there is the pride of knowing your man is a warrior and is not afraid to fight to show it, and on the other hand is a fear that he may be injured or be brought back dead. Battles that take place away from the camp are particularly hard, since us women are not allowed to ride with the Warriors and must remain behind waiting. The wait is so hard so I try to keep myself busy. It could be ahns before any in camp would know how their men fared. Of course I worry about Jai, Teng, and even Old Sef. In a way I am thankful my son has not earned his scar yet..just a little more time I will have to be his mother. After what seems like days, warriors start to trickle in from the battle, each has a bit of news for us, and for the most part, it is good. The Turians are unprepared for the fierceness of the Tuchuk Warriors, and most of the blood being spilled on the field of battle is their own. While I wait more news, I help tend those with wounds. Skies there are so many. Lances, arrows, axes, and just about anything that can be used in battle has left its mark on the Warriors. I even pulled a broken tine from a pitchfork from the leg of one man. Silk, Falon and I are up to our elbows in injured, but thankfully there seem to be no fatal wounds, and the warriors are proud, the scars from these wounds will end up being stories told at the fires, and each will have a story to spin. As the time passes and fewer warriors are returning, I am beginning to worry. Where are Jai and Teng? I don't get much time to dwell on that. The drums sound again, and before I can even wash the blood from one warrior off my hands, Ba'tar, Jai, Teng, Sef, and Ayguili all come in. Its a good thing that blood doesn't bother me, because Ba'tar, Jai and Sef are all bleeding profusely and their woulds are serious. I don't have any idea how long it takes me to tend them all, but I know that when I finished I was exhausted. I know I will be busy keeping my eye on all of them for a while, but I am happy to know they all came home alive, and from the sounds of it, many Turians did not.

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